The Golden Rule in Confucian Thought

The Golden Rule is viewed by Integral Deep Listening as a yogic tool for awakening. It functions by expanding and thinning one’s sense of self by generating increasing varieties of empathy, or the ability to practice multiperspectivalism through looking at the world, interests, preferences and oneself from the perspective of others. Formulations of the Golden … Read more

Chinese Humanism and IDL

It is impossible to entitle this chapter, “Chinese Religion and IDL,” because China never separated religion from culture. China didn’t have a word or conception of “religion” as separate from other domains of life. Beginning with the Jesuits in 1579, Christianity could never gain a lasting toehold in China because there was little about the … Read more

The Socratic Method and Phenomenologically-based Experiential Multi-Perspectivalisms

Socrates, one of the founders of Western philosophy, lived in Athens, Greece in the 5th century before Jesus, making him a later contemporary of Gautama Buddha in India, and Laozi and Confucius in China. He was the teacher of Plato, who was in turn the teacher of Aristotle, who was himself tutor to Alexander the … Read more

Theravadin Buddhist dream yoga

Theravadin Buddhism, predating Mahyana and Tibetan traditions, is traditionally found in Ceylon and southeast Asia but now has a worldwide following. While it does not have a historical tradition of dream yoga, like Hinduism its entire structure can claim to be a profound form of dream yoga, differing from the Hinduism from which it evolved … Read more

Deep Listening to the Bhagavad Gita

Deep Listening to the Bhagavad Gita  This essay provides an example of a methodology, Integral Deep Listening (IDL), that you are invited to apply to your own encounter with the Bhagavad Gita, a dream, nightmare, or life issue of your choice. Integral Deep Listening is a psychospiritual discipline whose purpose is awakening, or enlightenment. As … Read more

Hindu Foundations of Dream Yogas

Hinduism And Shamanism: Similarities And Differences Dream Yogas typically possess many attributes that can be traced back to Hindu yogic foundations. Hinduism takes from shamanism many basic characteristics, including a three-tiered cosmology, a desire to find freedom in another state of consciousness, an emphasis on purificiation as a pre-requisite to move into higher states of … Read more


The worldview of shamanism is foundational to Hinduism, many traditional Chinese customs, Theravada, Mahayana, and Tibetan Buddhism, lucid dreaming, spiritualism, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, and has influenced, albeit indirectly, Wilber’s integral AQAL as well as the psychological tradition of Freud, Jung, and Perls. In fact, there is little in our highly technological and intellectualized noospheric … Read more